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Kingdom Switch

Trish Jones

"Everything you want is in the Kingdom of God and making The Switch will help you manifest from His Kingdom."

Understanding the Kingdom of God has never been more important . The pressure to do and have things the world's way has caused much pain for God's children. But, God has given us access to His System and He wants us to know how to live in this world, yet at the same time have full access to what we need from His World. This is the reason Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be given to you also."

In Kingdom Switch, you'll get bite-sized nuggets of transformational wisdom on how to apply kingdom principles to your life and business so you experience "fulfilment without frustration, wealth without worry and prosperity without pressure" (Dr Myles Munroe).  God wants to show you how to get the desires of your heart... His Way.

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